• The Kansas City Real World Learning network powered by the Kaufman Foundation has defined Market Value Assets (MVAs):

    "A Market Value Asset is a cornerstone experience that prepares a student for future learning and employment. MVAs are authentic previews of the world of work or post-secondary education. While the professional and academic worlds are ever-changing, the outgrowths students develop when they work on authentic projects with real employers and mentors are durable enough to benefit them throughout their lives."

    Market Value Assets can be orgaized into the following categories:

  • Market Value Assets don't just start at the high school:

MVA student journey

  • MVA's In MRH

    A cornerstone experience that prepares a student for future learning and employment. MVAs are authentic previews of the world of work or post-secondary education. While the professional and academic worlds are ever-changing, the outgrowths students develop when they work on authentic projects with real employers and mentors are durable enough to benefit them throughout their lives.

  • DESE Certification/Credentialing

    A DESE-approved Industry Recognized Credential (IRC) is defined as a portable, recognized credential that validates an individual has successfully demonstrated skill competencies in a core set of content and performance standards in a specific set of work-related tasks, single occupational area, or a cluster of related occupational areas.