- Maplewood Richmond Heights School District
- Before & After School Care

Procare is our childcare program designed to streamline information, billing, and check in/out for families.
Key Features:
Electronic Check-in/Check-out: We will use an electronic system to check your child in and out of our program.
Electronic Invoicing: You will receive your monthly invoices electronically for both Preschool and Discover Club. All families will be automatically enrolled in a monthly payment plan for preschool tuition. If you enrolled in Discover Club, you will also be billed monthly for those services. If you need a payment option other than monthly, please contact our office to discuss your options.
Online Payment Options: You will have the option to pay online. The secure online payment system will allow you to enter your payment information and pay online with low fixed fees for online payments of 2.7% + $0.30 transaction fee for credit card payments or $1.00 fixed rate ACH Processing Fee.
Tax Statement Information Available Online: Through this system you will be able to also view your childcare payments and access your tax statement information through the system.
For information contact: mrhdc@mrhschools.net or pkecc_enrollment@mrhschools.net
Sign in/out Instructions
Enrollment Information 2024-2025
Enrollment Information in Before and After Care
April 1st 2024
Re-Enrollment will open for all currently enrolled Discover Club and Y-club families
Preschool & Kindergarten families will re-enroll in Discover Club using the Interest Link on the website.
1st-6th Grade families will re-enroll in Y-Club using the Y-Club Link on the website.
Because students move up grade levels, there usually are spots that open up for open enrollment. Re-enrollment allows families to commit to enroll in the program to gain initial numbers and open spots.
May 1st 2024
Open enrollment for all NEW families needing before and after care will open up.
NEW families that sign up on the re-enrollment list will not be able to use that timestamp, they will need to complete the open interest form on/after May 1st for a spot.
Please note-EVERY effort will be made to ensure families that need before and after care have spots.
All links will be live at 8AM. Once we have an idea of how many families are in need of care, we will then work to determine staffing.
Fees & Pricing Information
**Please note all fees and pricing for Discover Club are pending School Board approval** Families will be notified when these fees are updated.
Discounts are offered for both UY-Club and Discover Club for families who need care but cannot afford the full amount. Please contact us for more information.
Discover Club-mrhdc@mrhschools.net
2024-2025 CURRENT FAMILY DISCOVER CLUB INTEREST LINK (APRIL 1st 8AM)-Link is emailed to families
2024-2025 NEW FAMILY INTEREST LINK (May 1st 8AM)-Link will be live on this website
2024-2025 Y-CLUB CURRENT FAMILY LINK (APRIL 1st 8AM)-Link is emailed to families
2024-2025 Y-CLUB NEW FAMILY LINK (May 1st 8AM)-Link will be live on this website
Before & After School Care
The MRH school district recognizes the need to support families with options for childcare beyond the regular school day. Our school district understands the challenges that families face in balancing their professional responsibilities with their children's educational and recreational needs. Our programs are designed to support families outside the regular school day when students can participate in a safe, nurturing environment.
Preschool and Kindergarten utilize the Discover Club program which operates from 7 a.m. - the start of the school day - and runs to the end of the school day, 6 p.m.
1st-6th grades utilize the Y-Club program which is operated by the Mid-County YMCA. This program operates at the building level, so 1st & 2nd grade students are serviced at MRH Early Childhood Center and 3rd-6th grade students are serviced at MRH Elementary School.
Want to stay connected? Sign up on our Discover Club mailing list here!
If you have questions, please contact:
Discover Club:
mrhdc@mrhschools.net or call 314-901-2640
eugenia.jones@gwrymca.org or call 314-962-9450
Discover Club-Preschool & Kindergarten
Preschool and Kindergarten utilize the Discover Club program which operates from 7 a.m. - the start of the school day - and runs to the end of the school day, 6 p.m.
Goals & Philosophy
The Discover Club program intends to ensure a positive, safe, and stimulating environment for students. The staff will work together to accomplish the following goals:
Provide individualized care for each student according to his or her abilities and interests.
Handle matters of discipline in a fair and constructive manner.
Enhance the self-image of each student by helping him or her feel respected and valued.
Provide for the safety and welfare of students in every possible way.
Y-Club 1st -6th Grade Students
1st-6th grades utilize the Y-Club program which is operated by the Mid-County YMCA. This program operates at the building level, so 1st & 2nd grade students are serviced at MRH Early Childhood Center and 3rd-6th grade students are serviced at MRH Elementary School.
eugenia.jones@gwrymca.org or call 314-962-9450
Discover Club Tuition and Fees
Y-Club Rates and Fees
Discover Club Handbook
Y-Club Handbook