Immigrant Students Resources

  • Our school community reflects the beauty found in diversity, resilience, and promise. Together, we strive to create a safe, inclusive and supportive environment where every child has the opportunity to learn and grow. However, recent national rhetoric and policies targeting immigrant families have heightened concerns for the safety and well-being of many students and families in our community.

    Let us be clear: our schools are places of learning and belonging for all children, regardless of their immigration status. Every child has the right to a free public education, as affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plyler v. Doe (1982). 

    Immigrant students are not just a part of our schools, they are an integral part of our community. Their diverse perspectives, cultural knowledge, and linguistic abilities enrich our classrooms and contribute to the vitality of our community. Their presence is not just welcomed, but celebrated, and we are grateful for the financial support they provide during times of declining enrollment.

    To protect our students, we are committed to the following:

    ●  Continuing to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students.

    ●  Ensuring staff are trained on protocols if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers approach our campuses.

    ●  In collaboration with our Director of Student Services, Vince Estrada, supporting families with resources to address their concerns and help them navigate this challenging time.

    We ask for your partnership to foster a sense of safety and belonging. If you or someone you know is affected by immigration concerns, please contact our schools for resources and support. Together, we can ensure that every child feels safe, supported, and able to thrive.

    Thank you for standing with us to protect all students.

    Dr. Bonita Jamison, Superintendent

    Dr. Michael Dittrich, Director of Operations

    Vince Estrada, Director of Student Services

Frequently-Asked Questions

  • Does MRH gather information about student immigration status, and will that be shared with ICE or any other agency? 

    No. MRH does not collect information on the citizenship or immigration status of any student. As was established in Plyler v. Doe, citizenship is not a requirement for school enrollment and is not asked during the enrollment process.

    What limited directory information does MRH share with law enforcement when requested, and can I opt out of directory information? 

    Per District Policy JO, limited directory information is as follows: student name, telephone number, email address and the parent’s name, phone number and email address. This information is shared to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. Please note that all MRH families have the right to opt out of directory information. Contact Vince Estrada if you have any questions.

    Can ICE come to the school? 

    While ICE may technically come to schools, they cannot have access to the student or any student records without a judicial warrant. Under new District protocols, any ICE representative will be directed to our Central Office, and our District legal counsel will review any documents presented at that time.

    Who are the MRH points of contact if I have questions about protocols?

    What are some actions that I might consider to protect my students?

    • Update your emergency contacts in PowerSchool. Our registrars and student services department can assist you with this process.

    • Consider preparing a Power of Attorney in case of family separation. Contact our Director of Student Services for more information about this option. We have Power of Attorney forms and notaries available.

    Are there any additional resources regarding student and family rights?  

    Yes (see below).  We will share resources as we continue to receive them through District correspondence and school outreach efforts.